The Sacred Center
Your Sacred Center is the key to maintaining inner peace. The green reflects heart energy at the core of the sacred center. Through visualizing this ball of green light energy a soothing sense of inner peace comes into the body, mind and spirit. As we move to a calm inner world we will notice a shift in the outer world moving to a greater sense of peace.
Healing Message: Spend more time in the inner world garden of life. Less in the outer world garden of strife The outer world storm is there for you to bare As the inner world calm is there for you to repair Our inner world is a gift filled with constant light To repair from the outer world's constant fight As we have our daily practice it gives us the guidance of foresight So once again we can once again feel the delight Remember, the cycle of life is there to teach And not to hurt and not to preach But from this inner world peace we emerge and experience the most important gift of all... Outer World peace and living our true call. Medium: Oil Pastels |